Thursday, March 12, 2015

Queens Museum Indian Modern art "After Midnight" exhibit

I have been out of commission for over a month now with a bad back, so it felt really good to take the girls to the museum today, to get some culture, to make up for all that trash on the street building up on the dirty snow. 

I did not expect such a great show, so that was a bonus.

Get a load of this stair wisdom...

Transcending stair wisdom

Of all the art, the girls gravitated to school kids' art, which was drying and setting while the school kids ate lunch in the cafeteria.

Sofia dancing to Indian ragas

Watching footage of Indian street performers from the seventies

Earphones for two

The docent told me that the girls were the best behaved children he had ever seen in a museum. Then, as a kind of reward, he took us over to an area where the girls could go crazy. This piece was incredible, a huge interactive sculpture that was wired for sound, so you could stomp around on wood and hit metal, etc, the sounds amplified and synthesized. All the materials are recycled from previous shows at the museum, like these boxes from a show that PUN (peoples united nations) had done here several years ago. So cool for the kids.

That's a boat in the background, carrying all the earthly possessions of a family dispossessed by hurricane in India. I asked Sofia if she knew what a hurricane is and she said it is a heavy rain mixed with a tornado. Pretty much.

Here the girls are paying homage to Bell telephone, the company that was very good to their great grandparents, Betty and Cleve Franks, who clocked 100 years there between them. 

I put myself right in the blue eye of this poster for the 1992 world fair in Seville.

This video was so simple and great. It was just two boys playing with a ball on their porch in an Indian village, while romantic symphonic music plays on the headphones, a perfect soundtrack to underscore the joy of the kids.

A candle that has been molded into a package, and decorated with a bow, the gift of the regifted candle made permanent, I suppose.

Silhouette of Sofia under the unisphere

These pieces were really cool, because you had to look at them from an angle to see them clearly in the light of the sun coming through the window. Seen from straight on the trees were nearly invisible black on black.

Later Sofia told me this was her favorite piece in the show, which she said looked Mexican to her.

Lucia liked this piece too, a baseball field overlaid on a football field and basketball court.

Modern Chainsaw Art

Best of the show

1 comment:

  1. Such a great way to spend time with your daughters. They seem to really be enjoying their aesthetic experiences!
